Инструкторка покажала како изгледа една недела после породувањето – луѓето не можат да поверуваат





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а а а

Фитнес инструкторката и инфлуенсерка, Кајла Итсинес се породила пред само три недели, а промените на телото секоја недела ги споделува со своите најмалку 11 милиони следбеници.

Уште кога ја објавила фотографијата од првата недела после породувањето, луѓето не можеле да поверуваат дека штотуку се породила, а според новите фотографии, Кајла својата линија ја враќа со неверојатна брзина.

Првата недела

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MY FIRST POST BIRTH RECOVERY PHOTO!!! (last photo before giving birth vs one week after birth). If I am honest, it is with great trepidation that I share with you this very personal image. Every woman's journey through life but especially pregnancy, birth and healing post-birth is unique. While each journey has a common thread that connects us as women, our personal experience, our relationship with ourselves and our body will always be our own. For me, regardless of how my body healed post-birth, I felt it was really important for me personally to embrace, appreciate and celebrate my body the same way that I tell all the women in this community to celebrate their body. For me right now, I celebrate my body for all it has been through and the absolute joy it has brought into my life with Arna. As a personal trainer, all I can hope for you ladies is that you feel encouraged to do the same regardless of whether you have just given birth or not, celebrate your body and the gift that it is. No matter what journey you have been on with your body, the ways in which it heals, supports, strengthens and adapts to take us through life is truly incredible. www.kaylaitsines.com/app

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Втората недела

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POST BIRTH RECOVERY PHOTO - WEEK 1 vs WEEK 2.⁣ ⁣ I was not expecting much change AT ALL week to week as I have mostly just been resting... and staring at Arna until she wakes up ?. The human body is honestly just incredible!!! ⁣ ⁣ To be clear, I’m not posting these as ‘transformations posts’, nor am I concerned with my weight loss post pregnancy. I’m simply showing you my journey, which many of the #BBGcommunity have asked to see. I’m so excited to go on this journey. ⁣ ⁣ #BBGmums what changes did you notice in your body during your post birth recovery time??? I'm so interested to hear about your experiences! Also, does anyone have any questions about my post pregnancy experiences? Comment below and I’ll try address them in future posts! ⁣ ⁣ www.kaylaitsines.com/app⁣

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Третата недела

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POST BIRTH RECOVERY PHOTO - WEEK 2 vs WEEK 3 ⁣ ⁣ Time honestly has FLOWN. Visible but minimal physical change for me week to week but mentally I am feeling so much better, AND Arna is just growing SO quickly. I can't even believe it. My focus over the last week has trying to getting back into my regular healthy eating routine. Not that I've been eating unhealthy foods but I'm now starting to re-introduce some of my favourite healthy foods which I was unable to eat or made me feel sick throughout my pregnancy. The main ones for me were RAW FISH and AVOCADO ????. I even ate Asian greens again this week haha! They were my favourite and then I got pregnant and HATED them haha ? #BBGMums, what foods were you excited to include back into your diet after giving birth!?! ⁣ ⁣ www.kaylaitsines.com/app

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Некои следачи се воодушевени од нејзиниот изглед, додека други ѝ замеруваат дека на сите останати нови мајки им создава притисок, па од нејзините објави често се случува да се развие расправија.

„Не ви покажувам како сум ослабнала после бременоста, само го документирам својот пат“, објаснила таа.

„Прво сите приговаравте дека го сокрива телото, а сега кога го покажува ви пречи шо не изгледа ‘доволно лошо’ за нова мајка. Ако мислевте дека Кајла после породувањето ќе има голем стомак, сте се излажале. Беше слаба и претходно, за неа е нормално да биде слаба и после породувањето“, застанала во нејзина одбрана една обожавателка.

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